




PROGRESS STATE OF WORD – The website content

Axis 1

  • The work related to this aspect is finished
  • The grids and synthesis (curricula and handbooks) that have been carried out from the forms are on line.

Axis 2

  • All the forms are available on line.
  • REMINDER : each participating country was supposed to find 5 teachers who should have sent their lesson plans on the WWI. The forms should have been sent by the end of May. At the present time, the forms made by Poland will be on line very soon. As for Germany, we received some introductory articles (some lessons forms should be sent soon). We have to remind you of the necessity to send the requested contributions that are absolutely essential, not only to make the “toolbox” but to meet the project objectives too, i.e.  to cross the views on the way the WWI 14-18 is taught in practical terms.

Axis  3

  • Some new contributions have been put on line and will be used for the toolbox working out.
  • The work on this axis have to be continued. A lot of museums, places, sites located in différent countries and the combat zones can be still used to make other forms.
  • In order to coordinate the work, and as it has already been requested, the partners are invited to send us the names of the museums, sites, places  they plan to treat.

Axe 4

Questionnaire about the pupils survey

.The French and Belgian questionnaires (the common part +the « national » questions) are ready and will be put on line very soon. As far as possible, this questionnaire will be proposed to some schoolclasses of these two countries in order to present the results and to do a first assessment on the way this survey works, during the next steering committee in Vienna.

.As for the other countries’questionnaires, some elements are still about to be sent (the translation of some terms to put them on line, national questions and answers, et). Each partner will be contacted in order to finalize the work that has been done. Theoritically, all the questionnaires should be available by the end of this month.

Memory elements or  representations.

  • Some new contributions have been put on line and will be used to make the toolbox.
  • As this is the case for both, Axis 2 and 3, and for the ressources too, this part remains « open » and new contributions can be proposed throughout the second year of the project.
  • In order to be able to coordinate the work and as it has already been requested, the partners are invited to send us the themes they plan to treat, as soon as possible.


  • Some new contributions have been put on line and will be used to make the toolbox.
  • As this is the case for both, Axis 2 and 3, and for the ressources too, this part remains « open » and new contributions can be proposed throughout the second year of the project.

The project continuation : the making of the « toolbox » - The activities report – The steering Committee in Vienna.

The toolbox

  • As already mentioned in the Newsletter of JULY/AUGUST 2008, this « toolbox » will be made out of the elements given in AXIS 2, 3 and 4. These elements will be organized and classified into 4main categories ::
    • The causes of the war
    • The key events
    • The total war aspects at the front and at the back.
    • The peace treaties and the consquences/ the trace of the conflict in the medium and long term.

Thanks to a double-entry table, you will get access to this toolbox, with links toward different elements.


Iconograhic contemporary documents Contemporary texts Other Material traces (monuments – cemeteries –battle sites..)
  • political
  • military
  • psychological
  • démographic
  • economic






  • war launching
  • battles/offensives
  • year 1917
  • the end of the war






- living conditons and the fight at the front.
- human resources    mobilization at the front and back
- economic resources mobilization
- the new weapons
- the new war objectives and   forms
- propaganda
-occupation, resistance and collaboration.






  • peace treaties
  • territorial change
  • demographic consequences
  • social consequences (women role/war veterans…)
  • economic consequences (debt of the states)
  • medium-term consequences on the european states development.
  • mentalities (heroïsm/nationalism)
  • traces/memory elements





  • This first draft of this toolbox will be proposed by the technical committee during the steering committee in Vienna, in order to be tried during the second year of the project.


The intermediate  report

The intermediate report shall imperatively be sent to the commission by September 30th.
The continuation of the project , and more particularly the payment of the subsidies is conditioned by that.
Thus, because we need time to collect all the information and complete the financial tables, then write the final text, each partner  shall send us, before September 20th and before the steering committee (the deadline) and in an electronical format if possible :

  • the completed Excel tables and the other proof payments of all expenditures different from those that have already been validated by  INFOREF and IFP accounts services.

Reminder : 40 % of the total amount of the grant shall be spent by each partner.
You will receive an EXCEL table updated by the commission.

  • a review of the work that has been carried out during this first year  (in English or    in French) and the main lines of the work of the second – and last – year of the project.  We remind you that we enter the 3rd stage of the project which is the experimentation and the assessment of the training module  in  progress.


Another aspect for the commission is the dissemination. The forms are being completed. We remind you that any activity presenting the project, making it know, must be subjected of a form.
To complete them, click on “project”, then “dissemination”, the dissemination data base, and fill in the form.
If you have forgotten the user name and the password, don’t hesitate to contact us.



3 rd Steering Committee : VIENNA  SEPTEMBER 26 th-27th, 2008.

Some practical points :

To go to the hotel : HOFFINGER  (for further information about the hotel :

. From Vienna AIRPORT : take the airport bus that will drop you directly at the South Station, or at the West Station. From each one of these stations,  take the underground U6 to the Station  ALT ERLAA. Then, you have to walk for 6 minutes to reach the hotel. The hotel is about 2 minutes walk to the School where the Steering committee will be hold: (the address : GRG  23 Erlaa -  Bundesgymanium Wien 23, Anton Baumgartner Strasse 19).
. From the station, take directly the underground U6.

Don’t hesitate for any further practical questions.



Friday 26 th september



9.00 – 9.15



9.15 – 10.45

Presentation of the website
Each partner presentation of the work they’ve done and their plans.
The language issue on the website.


10.45 – 11.15



11.15 – 12.30

Presentation of the « toolbox», basis of the training module.
Organization an  course of the experimentation of the training module with pupils in classes.
The pupils survey.


12.30 – 14.00



14.00 – 15.00

 Remarks on the assessment tools of the project.


15.00 – 17.00

Guided tour in  the Military history museum
Presentation by an  expert  of the 2 rooms devoted to the WWI.



End of the first day.
The town Going round
Diner at  Wiener Rathauskeller


Saturday  27th  September



9.00 – 10.45

Organization of the  « virtual community”


10.45 – 11.00



11.00 – 12.00

« help desk »
Administratives et financial questions

12.30 – 14.00


14.00 – 15.00

Prospects - viewpoints :
Distribution of the work and deadlines

15.00- 15.30

The committee assessment
Dates and places of the next committees.


End of the second day. Extra visits of Vienna up to the “green  outskirts”.



axes de travail enquête forum