December 2008  Newsletter


1 –the intermediate stages of the project 

The intermediate stage of the projet was sent  in September 30 th 2008. We are waiting for the European Commission’s conclusions.
You will be informed of these conclusions given by the commission as soons as we receive them as well as the date of the third payment that represents to 20% of the subsidy total amount.
A fourth payment will be done by Spring 2009.


2- Pupil survey /questionnaire

About thirty schools have answered to the questionnaire among which about twenty Romanian schools. It is necessary to encourage the teachers who take part into the project to make their pupils answer the questionnaire, so as to get a sample as much representative as possible.
A first analysis on the results will be carried out  during our next steering committee that will take place in MARCH, Friday 6th and Saturday 7th, 2009.


3- The training Module

INFOREF is still working on the website improvement that has not been available on line yet.
We are still waiting for some grids  that should be completed by some of our partners. Thus, in order to make the computer graphics artists’work easier, please we would like you to be as much accurate and concise as possible. We put some completed grids as examples at your disposal if you need some help.
It would be possible to put the site on line by  mid- January if all the grids are sent by the end of this month.
In the meantime, you can keep on sending us your contributions for the site needs still to be enriched.

Please, find attached a suggestion of the appraisal form on the training module, both translated in French and Germany.
Don’t hesitate to let us know your comments since this form can still be modified and completed.
Without any comments from you, this form will be considered as agreed by January 15th.
Then, it will be possible to find its final version, attached to January newsletter .
We should be grateful if you could translate it into your own language (Romanian – Polish –Italian  (IFP will deal with the English translation), so as to send it on toeach teacher and school taking part in the project as soon as the new version of the site is one line.

Thank you to send the answers before the next steering  (March 2009).

We wish you a Happy New Year !         Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Gutes neues jahr                                                        La multi Ani
Felice anno nuovo                                          Bonne Année